The lovely Sam of Pretty Lovely has kindly let me post an article on her blog, outlining how to ‘make your own monster’
Make sure you stop by and have a look around Sam’s blog, you’ll love it.
The lovely Sam of Pretty Lovely has kindly let me post an article on her blog, outlining how to ‘make your own monster’
Make sure you stop by and have a look around Sam’s blog, you’ll love it.
Some more hand picked twits to tickle your twitter taste buds.
Bio: Following our team around the modern world.
Bio: This is the official Twitter feed of Webist Media – WebUrbanist + WebEcoist. Thanks for reading!
Bio: Get a wide range of news on state of the art gadgets. Reviews and release announcements.
Bio: Freelance Logo and Brand Identity designer. I prefer the minimal and typographic. 22+ years experience. LoveHelvetica. LoveDogs. Freelance designer for hire.
Bio: Artist/designer/photographer/geek. Creative Director for Nine Inch Nails.
In true inter-geek style, here is another follow friday for your twitterfeed.
Bio: Freelance Architect. Trail running, hiking, motorcycle, design, cinema, photography enthusiast. Parent.
Bio: Vitaly Friedman, editor-in-chief of Smashing Magazine (, an online magazine dedicated to designers and developers.
Bio: Webdesigner Depot is one of the most popular blogs about web design trends, tutorials and much more. It’s run by Walter Apai, a web designer from Vancouver.
Bio: We change our wallpaper every day… on Twitter. Well most days if the fail whale would let us…
Bio: Victor Samra (Digital Media/Marketing @ MoMA, aka @vsamra3) at the easel
Bio: Founder of iLT. I quite like type (fonts). Designer, writer, typophile, bibliophile, atheist.
A few designers/architects/creative professionals/darn cool people to add to your follow list.
Bio: Author of BLDGBLOG and The BLDGBLOG Book, Contributing Editor at Wired UK and Dwell magazine.
Bio: Life Without Buildings. Architecture out of context. And Pie.
Bio: RSSurai and ghosts
Bio: Architecure Daily
Bio: Writer on architecture, lover of dereliction, spotter of urban oddness.
Bio: Senior UX Designer near Minneapolis, MN with 14 years experience in creative Web and Graphic Design.
In a response to my twitter addiction I have decided to devote this post to some of favourite people to follow.
Named in Wallpaper Magazine’s Architects Directory, an ‘anual guide to the world’s most innovative practicies’, Andrew Maynard’s design practice is quickly becoming recognised as an emerging force on the architectural scene. Since Andrew Maynard Architects was establised in late 2002 it has been recognised internationally in media, awards and exhibitions for its unique body of built work and its experimental conceptual design polemics.
Architects-turned-filmmakers turn the camera on the arch studio following 5 thesis students – posts on documentary, film, architecture, tech, Brooklyn, NYC.
America’s first independent, internationally distributed, eco-friendly fashion publication dedicated exclusively to emerging designers.
Video Editor, Graphic/Web Designer, Red Camera rental, I’m a Mac.
NOTCOT is a visual filtration of ideas + aesthetics + amusements. NOTCOT’s two sites have become the daily sources of inspiration for creatives everywhere, fighting the good fight against “creative block” since 2005 with visually stunning imagery, the latest in international trends, and a passion for all things well designed.
A Jewelry Designer and blog writer
“My philosophy for my jewelry and this blog, is to bring happiness to others. I hope to share the joy of creating and finding beautiful things to all the readers and customers.”
WOW! In just a few short month, Design Tavern has racked up over 100 posts —
I thought this would be a good oppourtunity to introduce the new contributors to Design Tavern! Each bringing a fresh and unique view to the pages of DT!
Natalia Sliwka –
Natalia is a graphic designer, originally from Poland, but now living in LA — She blogs over at — Like Design Tavern her site offers her own findings and thoughts on all Art, Architecture and Design. She plans to offer Design Tavern an insight into Polish art and culture.. can’t wait!
Here is an example of some of Natalia’s very own work Named ‘Fly Away‘
Melinda Crimp –
A fellow Melburnian.. Melinda currently works as a project editor in a publishing house, as you’d imagine, she has a keen eye for book design — She also has a keen eye for interiors, photography, furniture design, Illustration and also floral design. “I wanted to extend my creativity while nurturing my enthusiasm for all things design-related”, says Melinda when asked as to why she felt compelled to contribute to Design Tavern.
Samantha Sirzyk –
Sam is currently attending Washington Uni in D.C. where she is completing her masters in Interior Design. You can see some of her own work and web findings over at her blog — I have asked Sam to give Interior Design specifically a little more spotlight on DT.. So Stay Tuned!
In her most recent post Samantha investigates 16th century art and architecture revival in a spread by Annie Leibovitz.
Visit the About page to see the girls’ own introduction.
And if you would like to join the Design Tavern family ! (it’s great! really!) then give me a yell via the Contact page
The advice from over a dozen artists and designers from across the globe each with their own thoughts and advice that they have kindly shared for those wishing to become like them.
Remeber, the full articles can be seen in the interviews section.
The Question:
“What advice would you give to would be artists/designers?”
“Make the most of your time at art school and take all possibilties you can take to spend some of it abroad (if possible). I often feel I didn’t make the most of my time studying”
“Don’t ever compromise your vision.”
“Keep your mind creative, love and take an interest in all around you.”
– Tung Le
“Make sure you believe strongly in your own work and do just what the worlds greatest living artist told me to do… “Trust yourself”.”
“Let it become your life, be passionate, work harder than the next guy. Oh and use the Internet, it has become a second university for me, get involved with forums, visit, write your own blog, you will learn a lot, all for free.”
“Do something else…” (very funny guys!)
“Don’t be afraid of anything. More impudence and freedom in creation. The more you’ll try the better the result is.”
“be original and believe in yourself”.
“Reach beyond your grasp.”
“Remember to embrace your personal experiences and your own unique and fresh design vision”
“In the words of German techno group Scooter: It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.”
“If you have an ace up your sleeve, just don’t keep it long. If you keep it for too long, it’ll go rotten. Just show everything you have to people, listen to what they say. You’ll be able to create something much better, to learn how to show your ideas to people, and to make your community.”
“Get out there and get your work seen by as many people as possible. You should never be afraid to show people your work. You maybe the best designer/illustrator in the world, but if no one sees your work, you won’t get commissioned”
– Rod Hunt
“It depends on what you want your career to be and what kind of person you are. If you wanna work at Disney you must bend your mind to the “Disney way of life”, I suppose. From my point of view I’d suggest: do your best to develop YOUR art and style. Nowadays it’s very difficult to be completely original but strive to put your mark in your work. Client work tend to leave you with little or no time, but try to keep some to do new experiments with your art.”
“..believe in the work you do, and make the best they can in everything you do. That’s the best attitude to have in relation with all areas.”
“Get inspired. Have fun. Keep it current. Get a Mac. Go probono. I can’t preach this any louder. Young designers get so mad when you tell them you gotta start doing some freebies. Do it because you love it. They all think their work is worth so much money already haha. I started emailing people if I could do a site for them for free. I just loved designing and growing my skills. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be a good designer. Also have lots of resources. I had a teacher (who was once the creative director for MTV) tell me that you are only as good as your resources. Pretty much sums that up.”
“I started my own firm at a very young age. sometimes I wish I had worked for some of the architects that I admire prior to going out on my own.”
Architecture 5c –
Well god dam, did I pick the wrong decade to graduate from Architecture school..
The above image is of John Morefield’s. A 27 year old who has been twice laid off by architecture firms in the past year, a direct result of the spreading world economic crisis.
“This what it’s come to, John? Going to parade down Market Street in sandwich boards later?
“I’m serious,” Morefield said, laughing when asked about his booth, which has appeared two weeks in a row at the open-air street market in old Ballard. “I’m here to answer questions. And I do charge a nickel. I’ve made a dollar today so far.”