Following my short article of Dumbo Feather, Pass it on, that i’d found at the Design Market
Comes an excerpt from the interview with Kate Bezar via
Well-loved Dumbo feather library
I get the feeling Kate Bezar is a bit of a dynamo.
It’s not just the incredible success she’s had with her stunning independent publication Dumbo feather in a fiercely competitive market….. (a magazine she started single-handedly five years ago and with no journalism experience, mind you). No, mainly, it’s the fact that just a few seconds of googling brings up so many varied accolades and creative collaborations that I begin to wonder if there might be 25 Kate Bezars.
But no, there’s only 1. And she’s here, here, here and even here.
And of course, she’s here! [] Read on for an insight into the inspiring world of ‘editor, publisher & dreamer’, Kate Bezar. Thanks so much for your time Kate!”
Thedesignfiles: “Tell me a little about your background – what did you study and what path led you to what you’re doing now?”
“I’d almost bet I’m the first person with a Chemistry degree to grace your blog!
I think, like a lot of people, I never really knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. So, when I finished school, even though my best marks were in English and Painting, I thought the more sensible thing to do would be to study Commerce and Science. That lead me to a very sensible career as a management consultant working on projects for companies like banks and airlines, both of which I also used a lot; I flew ridiculous amounts and was paid ridiculously well. That was pretty seductive, but on some really fundamental level I knew it wasn’t what I was meant to be doing with my life, it wasn’t what I was passionate about.
I was volunteering at art galleries on weekends just to get my ‘fix’. Eventually I walked into a newsagent one night wanting to buy a mag but just couldn’t find what I wanted. I wanted to read about real people who’d found what they were passionate about in life and how they’d gone about pursuing it. When I walked out of that newsagent and I hadn’t found a mag but I had found what I was going to do. I was going to make a mag for people like me.”
See the rest of the interview here! at Lucy’s blog