Ilya Kazakov – Illustrator


I have recently been in touch with Russian artist Ilya Kazakov; and was delighted when he agreed to an interview and allowing me to show some of his work.
(hover to change image)
Unfortunately we hit a road block as there was a bit of a language barrier, (remind me to learn Russian next time I’ve got a spare moment) nevertheless, It would be a shame not to show some of Ilya’s amazing work – and besides, the quality speaks for itself!
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Guy Sargent – Photographer


Photographer, Guy Sargent from West London gives us a taste of his amazing skill to capture the stillness of a landscape as well as the splendour and grandness of some of today’s architecture. ‘What lies beneath the surface’ displays, from across Europe, landscapes as their creator intended – natural, untamed and free from the impact of humankind. From the following interview you will begin to get a feel for Sargent’s passion for his profession, “There are elements of romanticism, the spiritual & political in this work. In a way I just want to say as much as I can using as little information as possible.”
Guy Sargent has an uncanny knack for capturing feeling in his work; whether it be the quiet calmness and serenity of an undisturbed,  rocky English shore – or the humbled, awe inspired feeling when one stands in the shadow of the Grande Arche…

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Le Thanh Tung – Graphic Artist

Le Thanh Tung

All the way from Ha Noi, Vietnam comes the fresh, young talent, of 21 year old graphic artist Le Thanh Tung.

Varying between traditional art and illustrations to Photoshop manipulation, Tung’s body of work is extensive and passionate – Details »

Yeva Babayan – Artist

She designed one of the first campaigns for major fashion label, Juicy Couture and has side fascination with metaphysics. Just your typical California girl…or not. Graphic designer, Yeva Babayan brings a touch of exotic class to her edgy illustrations. Check out the interview from this bright young artist!

Tell us a little about yourself, where are you from and where are you living now?

I was born and raised in Armenia during the Soviet Union era, came to America at the age of 10 and have been happily living in Glendale California ever since.
Frequently I fantasize of living in New York, but the weather keeps pulling me back to Cali.

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Mattias Adolfsson – Illustrator

Swedish Illustrator, Mattias Adolfsson has kindly allowed us to show some of his impressive work from a series called ‘architecture.’ Adolfsson’s unique style is largely imaginative (though he does traditional works as well) and has the ability to stir memories and emotions like something straight out of a childhood dream. His sketches explore the bizarre and the dreamlike in a beautiful, intricate cartoonish way, infused with care and precision. Adolfsson can also boast one of the most popular sketch blogs on the net and has travelled the world with his work – His last exhibit in downtown Melbourne!

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The thin line between concert and works of art

Barthes once wrote of the Death of the Author – the declining importance of an artist’s involvement in constructing the meaning of an artwork. In terms of modern art alone, this ‘death’ has allowed for new degrees of viewer and audience participation. Some of the best examples today, I think, are concerts and large scale performances. Thanks to countless advances in modern technology, including video screens and lighting, arenas and venues are able to be transformed into living, breathing artworks in themselves, their aim precisely to involve the audience and the viewer in ways never before thought possible.

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Lightwriting From Picasso to Lichtfaktor

You may have already seen Light Writing in action, but for those who haven’t, a quick explanation-

The technique is almost 100 years ago, when Picasso (that man just loves to contribute to the art world..) decided to sketch a centaur mid-air using a torch –

The photograph was taken by Gjon Mili –
“I confronted him [Picasso] with a photograph, taken in darkness but showing a skater’s leap traced with lights attached to the skates. Picasso reacted instantly. Intrigued, he began drawing with his finger in the thin air.” They arranged to meet at a pottery in Vallauris. In the dark, after Mili fired his flash, Picasso sketched a centaur in the air –

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